Obama warns Gaddafi to comply with UN
President Obama has warned Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi to comply with UN demands for a ceasefire or else face consequences, including military action. “The United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Arab states agree that a ceasefire must be implemented immediately. That means all attacks against civilians must stop,” Obama said at the White House. “Gaddafi must stop his troops from advancing on Benghazi, pull them back from Ajdabiya, Misrata, and Zawiya, and establish water, electricity and gas supplies to all areas. Humanitarian assistance must be allowed to reach the people of Libya. Let me be clear, these terms are not negotiable.” To read : Libya: a timeline of international diplomacy how-international-reaction-to-libya-evolved/ Obama went on to outline what he said “we will not be doing.” “The United States is not going to deploy ground troops into Libya. And we are not going to use force to go beyond a well-defined goal, specifically, the protection of civilians in Libya.” Obama said Gaddafi had been given ample warning to stop attacking his own people. Copyright © 2011 euronews

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Mock Mars mission ‘lands’ on red planet
After eight months inside a cramped steel capsule, astronauts from the Mars 500 project have ‘touched down’ in a virtual landing on the red planet. The simulated landing and walk on a fake Mars surface – in a hall at the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow – was the highlight and halfway point in an ambitious isolation exercise. Six astronauts from Russia, China and Europe ‘blasted off’ in June last year. The experiment is designed to study the effects of isolation over the 520-day return trip to Mars. Copyright © 2011 euronews

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UN no-fly zone boosts morale of rebel forces
Rebel forces in Benghazi celebrate the UN backed no-fly zone over Libya as an indication that it is close to game over for Gaddafi. The announcement has boosted moral amongst opposition fighters after days of military setbacks. This rebel fighter is hopes the coalition bombardments begin soon: “We are anxious to wait for France to hit all the battalions of the Gadhafi forces. As for us we are just waiting for our orders to move forward.” Prior to Gaddafi’s ceasefire announcement pro-government forces shelled the coastal city of Misrata, killing at least twenty-five and injuring scores more. A alleged rocket attack has been reported in the town of Zintan and state media claim Gaddafi has recaptured the oil terminal of Zueitinia. To read : Libya: a timeline of international diplomacy how-international-reaction-to-libya-evolved/ There are claims that battles are continuing in the city of Ajdabiya. Today’s attacks follow air strikes against the airport in Benghazi. Those opposed to Gaddafi claim as many as 1,000 people have died since the unrest began. The Government puts the number of dead at 150. Copyright © 2011 euronews

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Gaddafi compound is struck by allies
Allied air strikes have hit at the heart of Muammar Gaddafi’s compound in Tripoli. Extensive damage was wrought on the four story building – a justifiable target, says the coalition, as it contained the means of controlling Libya’s forces. Operations to enforce the no-fly zone over Libya resumed over night in a second wave of attacks. A spokesperson for the regime said the destruction proved that the Western allies were targeting civilian areas. - READ Libya: a timeline of international diplomacy Libyan government spokesperson Ibrahim Musa told reporters: “This building is an administrative building in which people were working. It was hit only two hours ago and as you have seen with your own cameras, people, civilians, families, children have come from everywhere, to protect this location and the rocket hit only 50 to 100 metres away from them.” Western journalists were taken to the site where residents chanted their defiance and expressed their loyalty to the Libyan leader. Gaddafi has described the coalition as terrorists and vowed to fight to the death. Do you think the air strikes in Libya should actively target Muammar Gaddafi? A Javascript enabled browser that accepts cookies is required in order to participate in the poll. yes (57%)  no (39%)  i don't know (4%)  // pollTS[0]) { pollTS = cookie; cValid = true; }; }; warning.parentNode.removeChild(warning); if(cookie && cValid) { for(var i = 1; i < pollTS.length; i++) { votes += parseInt(pollTS[i], 10) || 0; }; var total = 0; for(var i = 1; i < pollTS.length; i++) { per = pollTS[i] > 0 ? Math.round(pollTS[i] / (votes / 100)) : 0; if(total + per > 100) { per = 100 - total; total = 100; } else { total += per; }; output[output.length] = '' + questions[i - 1] + ' (' + per + '%) '; }; pollHTML += "" + output.join("") + ""; }; if(!cookie) { pollHTML = ' yes no i don’t know'; }; if(pollHTML) { content.innerHTML = pollHTML; }; })();// ]]> Copyright © 2011 euronews

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Japanese shares bounce back as market recovers
Japan’s Nikkei has moved up four percent as concerns eas over the impact of the country’s triple disaster. Traders in Tokyo returned from a national holiday to recoup some of last week’s losses. Electronics giant Toshiba helped lead the way amid reports it will pay shareholders a dividend for the first time in three years. Copyright © 2011 euronews

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